assistant professor

Department of materials science and engineering

Çankaya university


Phone: +90 312 233 1394

FAX: +90 312 233 1026


        Dr. İlkay Kalay is currently an Assistant Professor at Materials Science and Engineering Department at Çankaya University. She completed her B.S. and M.S. studies in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Her M.S. study concentrated on the synthesis and characterization of Zirconium based bulk amorphous alloys. After her M.S. study, she served as a research specialist in METU Central Laboratory for 18 months. She completed her Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from Iowa State University, USA, in December 2010 under supervision of Dr. Ralph E. Napolitano and Dr. Matthew J. Kramer.  During her Ph.D study, she was appointed by Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory of United States Department of Energy as teaching and laboratory assistant. Her research area mainly focused on structural hierarchy and multiscale morphological selection during devitrification of metallic alloys including metallic glasses and metallic glass nanocomposites and their characterizations under far from equilibrium conditions.