CENG 234

Computers and Information Processing

Spring 2008 - 2009


Class & Laboratory Meetings
Required Text and Materials
Course Description
Weekly Course Plan
Course Evaluation
Lab Assignments
   Grading Policies
Student Data Disk (Databases used in the Laboratory works)
Instructor's Lecture Notes, Laboratory Works, and Laboratory Exercises
The Exploring Office 2003 Series  - Online-Testing

Class & Laboratory Meetings

Section 01 AA 14:40 - 16:30 on Monday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Tuesday (Place: PC)
Section 02 NS 14:40 - 16:30 on Monday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Tuesday (Place: INT 2)
Section 03 AA 10:40 - 12:30 on Monday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Wednesday (Place: INT 1)
Section 04 AG 10:40 - 12:30 on Monday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Wednesday (Place: INT 2)
Section 05 AA 14:40 - 16:30 on Tuesday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Thursday (Place: PC)
Section 06 GT 14:40 - 16:30 on Tuesday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Thursday (Place: INT 1)
Section 07 RH 14:40 - 16:30 on Tuesday and 10:40 - 11:30 on Thursday (Place: INT 2)

 GT: Gülsün TÖRECİ  AA: Ali Rıza AŞKUN  RH: Reza HASSANPOUR AG: Abdül Kadir GÖRÜR NS: Nurdan SARAN

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Required Text and Materials

a) Instructor's Lecture Notes
b) Text Book: Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, Robert T. Grauer, Maryann Barber, Prentice Hall
The Exploring Office 2003 Series, Robert T. Grauer, Maryann Barber, Prentice Hall

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Course Description

This course emphasizes the use of Microsoft Access as an office productivity tool. Basic database concepts will be introduced, such as tables, fields, sorting, and keys. Basic Windows file management will be reviewed such as saving, copying, backups, and object linking and embedding. Relational database concepts such as one-to-many and many-to-many relationships are also covered. Applications and user interfaces using will be demonstrated using the features of Access. Macros and Visual Basic will be discussed briefly in their use in creating database applications.

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Weekly Course Plan

 Week#  Date  Topics


Feb 16 - Feb 20

Introduction to use of computers in business. Database management system: Elements of DBMS. Data and databases.


Feb 23 - Feb 27

Chapter 1- Introduction to Access. Database fields, records and tables. MS Access Environment: Opening, Creating, and Saving. Record and file updating. Data entry, modify, delete.


Mar 02 - Mar 6

Forms, Queries and Reports : Continue Chapter 1


Mar 09 - Mar 13

Chapter 2- Properties of Access: Table design, properties, view, table wizard.


Mar 16 - Mar 20

Chapter 3- Information from the Database: Reports and Queries. Basic queries in MS Access environment using SQL and QBE.


Mar 23 - Mar 27

Chapter 4 - Proficiency: Relational Databases, External Data, Charts, and the Switchboard


Mar 30 - Apr 03

Chapter 5 - One-to-Many Relationships: Subforms and Multiple Table Queries


Mar 06 - Apr 10



Apr 13 - Apr 17

Chapter 6 - Many-to-Many Relationships: A More Complex System


Apr 20 - Apr 24

Using Combo Boxes, advanced forms and subforms in MS Access.


Apr 27 - May 01

Advanced Queries : Parameter and Action Queries


Apr 04 - May 08



May 11 - May 15

Getting and Working with external data: Gathering data from external sources. Macros, Application Examples


May 18 - May 22

General overview

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Course Evaluation

Course evaluation will based on performance on exams and assignments.

Exams will be in short answer or multiple choice form, and will cover material from lectures and the textbook. Unexcused absences from exams will result in a score of 0 for that exam. Excused absences must be requested in advance of the in-class exam.

Lab Assignments
Lab assignments must be submitted on or before the due date and time. Late assignments will be awarded a 0 for that assignment. Any damaged disk submitted for grading will also receive a 0.

Unexcused absences from lab assignments will also result in a score of 0 for that assignment. Excused absences must be requested in advance of the assignment deadline. Assignments will be graded on professionalism, accuracy, style, and completeness. Details of the lab assignments will be provided separately.

Term Project

Grading Policies
The final grade for this course will be determined by the following percentages:

Attendance 5%
Term Project 10%
Lab Performance 15%
Quiz 10%
Midterm 25%
Final 35%

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Last updated: April 28, 2009 - A.R.Aşkun