Fall 2008 - 2009


Course Description

This is an introductory course that provides literacy on computers, and a general overview of computer and information concepts.
Fundamentals and basic concepts of personal computers, data processing, hardware and software organization. Windows environment. Fundamentals of some widely used MS Office programs such as Word, Excel, and Power Point. Introduction to the Internet, sending e-mails. Hands-on experiences for the related topics.


The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of personal computers, introduction to Windows applications that run with the Windows graphical interface. You’ll achieve computer competency.


The attendance list will be kept for the course / lab and the attendance regulations of university will be applied. If students need any further explanation on objects related to the course office hours should be used.
Attendance to laboratory hours is compulsory. In case of %20 (3 lab session) of absence causes to fail according to the university regulations. It is strongly advised that students do the laboratory work completely.

Text Book

coverThe Exploring Office 2003 Series ,
Robert T. Grauer, Maryann Barber, Prentice Hall





Lab Exam          20%
Assignments      20%
Midterm             25%
Final Exam        35%

Class & Laboratory Meetings

Section 01 GT 14:40 - 16:30 on Monday (Place: INT 2) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Tuesday (Place: INT 2)
Section 02 AA 14:40 - 16:30 on Monday  (Place: INT 3) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Tuesday (Place: INT 3) and
Section 03 GT 10:40 - 12:30 on Monday (Place: INT 2) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Wednesday (Place: INT 2)
Section 04 AA 10:40 - 12:30 on Monday (Place: INT 3) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Wednesday (Place: INT 3)
Section 05 GT 14:40 - 16:30 on Tuesday (Place: INT 2) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Thursday (Place: INT 2)
Section 06 AA 14:40 - 16:30 on Tuesday (Place: INT 1) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Thursday (Place: INT 1)
Section 07 BT 14:40 - 16:30 on Wednesday (Place: INT 3) and
10:40 - 12:30 on Thursday (Place: INT 3)
Section 08 TD 10:40 - 12:30 on Wednesday (Place: PC 2) and
14:40 - 16:30 on Thursday (Place: PC 2)


GT: Gülsün TÖRECİ  Office #: 310-B
AA: Ali Rıza AŞKUN Office #: 214-M
BT: Burçin Tuna Office #:
TD: Thomas F.Duda Office #:

Required Text and Materials

a) Instructor's lecture notes
b) Text Book: The Exploring Office 2003 Series, or Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, Robert T. Grauer, Maryann Barber, Prentice Hall

Weekly Course Plan

 Week#  Date  Topics


Sep 22-Sep 26

Introduction to computers. Components of a computer system: hardware, software


Sep 29-Oct 03 Ramadan Holiday


Oct 06-Oct 10

Introduction to Windows operating system.   Desktop. Files and folders: deleting, naming, saving, etc.


Oct 13-Oct 17

Introduction to computer networks, information sources, and fundamentals of HTML: Use of Internet Explorer.


Oct 20-Oct 24

Introduction to Word Processing and MS Word: Files and menus.


Oct 27-Oct 31

Writing, editing and formatting documents, Moving, copying, undo, etc commands,Case study: Creating a document.


Nov 03-Nov 07

Formatting paragraphs, Bulleted lists, Page formatting, Setting Tabs, Searching and replacing text etc.


Nov 10-Nov 14

Introduction to Spreadsheets and MS Excel.


Nov 17-Nov 21



Nov 24-Nov 28

Spreadsheets and MS Excel.


Dec 01-Dec 05

Formulas, and constants, toolbars, and menus in spreadsheets.


Dec 08-Dec 12

Sacrifice Holiday


Dec 15-Dec 19

Graphics and charts.Case study: Working example


Dec 22 -Dec 26

Introduction to Power Point. Main functions, tool bars and menus.


Dec 29-Jan 02

Creating a presentation, content and formatting and color scheme case study.


Jan 05-Jan 09

General overview

Course Evaluation

Course evaluation will based on performance on exams and assignments.


Exams will be in short answer or multiple choice form, and will cover material from lectures and the textbook. Unexcused absences from exams will result in a score of 0 for that exam. Excused absences must be requested in advance of the in-class exam.

Midterm Result

Lab Assignments

Lab assignments must be submitted on or before the due date and time. Late assignments will be awarded a 0 for that assignment. Any damaged disk submitted for grading will also receive a 0.

Unexcused absences from lab assignments will also result in a score of 0 for that assignment. Excused absences must be requested in advance of the assignment deadline. Assignments will be graded on professionalism, accuracy, style, and completeness. Details of the lab assignments will be provided separately.

Term Project 

Student Data Disks

Word Student Data Disk     Excel Student Data Disk

PowerPoint Student Data Disk

Last updated: September 22, 2008